Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Charles Wilbert White and David Hammons - Finding cross-influence Research Paper

Charles Wilbert White and David Hammons - Finding cross-influence through a semiotic perspective - Research Paper Example Hammonds attended the Chouinard art institute in Los Angeles, California from1966 to 1968.Later he attended the Otis Art Institute where one of his teachers was the renowned Charles White. Hammonds finally settled in the city of New York from where he mostly worked. He is recognized as a performance artist, installation artist, and sculptor. Hammons made a significant contribution to the world of art. His work speaks of overtones of culture that employ provocative materials and aspects, for example chicken parts, strands of hair, and cheap wine bottles and elephant dung. Although some critics heavily criticized this, Hammons saw some kind of ritualistic power in them and that was the reason that he used them so frequently. Hammons work is generally centered in the black urban setting experience. He uses elements like sarcasm and irony to confront cultural stereotyping and race related issues. Hammons received the MacArthur Fellowship award in 1991. David Hammons first gained his popu larity through a series of highly creative and magnificent body prints body paints that saw revolution in the American paints art industry in the early 1970’s. One of his most popular and greatest art works is the paintwork entitled the injustice case of the 1973 drawn in Los Angeles. This highly contradictive paintwork raised numerous concerns especially in relation to contemporary racial issue that was most prevalent in the United States during those times. Hammons is an example of an artist that used a large number of visual styles and therefore he did not restrict himself to a single style. This made him stand out among other artists of his generation. Hammons works have been collected and exhibited in various art shows and seminars although he mostly prefers to sell his collections privately. Some of the institutions that have collected Hammonds works include The Contemplary Art Museum in Chicago, The New York Museum of modern art and the Museum of Contemplary Art in Chi cago amongst others. Hammons art sought to understand the place of Black people in American society. This is more vivid in his work though in a variety of ways and use of different kinds of media. This he did by avoiding one signature visual style. He shared lots of concern of why the blacks were never allowed to participate in many public affairs and could not be seen contributing to nation building (Constance 63). With the cross-cultural society and tension among the various cultural groups, his work managed to point out both private and public gaps and tried to define the components of a highly valued product. Illustration of such is found in Bliz-aard Ball Sale of 1983, which is his performance work putting himself alongside street vendors in downtown Manhattan in order to sell snowballs whose prices vary with their sizes. This brought about paradox on the product being exchanged and clears information on the capitalistic nature of art. It is satirical in the sense that it broug ht the whiteness, criticizing luxury of racial classification. He also tried to put across social realities faced by the street vendors who have been discriminated against by virtue of their class or race. As

Monday, October 28, 2019

Whipping Boy Essay Example for Free

Whipping Boy Essay Race separation and hierarchy has been a big part of our world history and is still a problem in some countries. In the older days, race decided whether you were a human being or just a â€Å"tool† to others advantage. In the 1800 century was there a change in the American history, where slaves were becoming freemen, and the short story â€Å"The Whipping Boy† describes in fiction how it may or may not have been in the change of history. The whipping boy concerns a family slavery farm, where they have three slaves Mikey, Tommy and Martha. One day on the farm a boy from the Union comes to the farm and breaks the news, that they are freemen and they can do whatever they want. The news thrills Mikey and Tommy, but Martha is still a bit insecure about the situation, because she is taking care of the old Mrs. Gage, who lives on the farm with her son Master Sterling Gage. Master Sterling Gage is not at the farm when the news arrives, and Martha is therefore concerned for old Mrs. Gage, that she will starve to death. The three slaves stays on the farm, and one day, when Mikey is laying on the couch inside his former masters house, with a bottle of bourbon, Master Sterling Gage returns home and catches Mikey in the act. He gets furious and hits him. Master Sterling Gage goes out of the house, to saddle his horse because he has to go into town, but Tommy and Mikey attacks him from behind and nearly kills him. Martha breaks it off, and they escape instead, they do not make it far until some confederate soldiers stop them, and they kill the three freed slaves. The story is set in the middle of the 1800th, which also in real time had meaning in history. The civil American war started in 1861. It all started when several states abolished slavery. The new president Abraham Lincoln wanted all states to be free from slavery, but some states disagreed, they resigned from the Union and became the confederate states with Jefferson Davis in front as their president. Now th ere was two opposite poles against each other, and the civil war began. The war resulted in releasing all the slaves in the confederate states also. A confederate fanatic murdered Abraham Lincoln a week after the war was over, but he died a hero to many.1 This you easily can relate to the short story â€Å"The Whipping Boy†. A boy from the union (Abraham Lincoln’s side) informs the slaves that they are freemen and they starts a riot on the farm† It was the day after the boy from the Union had come to the farm to let the slaves know they were freemen†2. Afterwards they escape the farm but bumps  into some confederate soldiers (Jefferson Davis’ side) that later on kills the free slaves. â€Å"Tommy was shot when he drew Sterling Gage’s pistol while they were being questioned. â€Å"3 You get this information, probably to relate to the real time history, when confederate soldiers still thought that race should be a main key in the society, and there should be no changes made. We follow in our short three slaves: T ommy, Mikey and Martha. Tommy and Mikey are working in the field, while Martha is inside their master’s house, serving the old Mrs. Gage. Martha and Mikey have had an affair, but their master Sterling Gage have been beating Mikey, when he found out. Martha is the quiet one, with most sympathy among the three slaves. She is the one begging Mikey and Tommy not to kill Master Sterling Gage, when they are beating him up â€Å"†Mikey,† Martha Begged, still pulling at Tommy’s arm, â€Å"Tell him to stop†Ã¢â‚¬ 4. Tommy and Mikey on the other hand is very straightforward, they want revenge for the things that they have been experiencing through the years on the farm â€Å"He had grown alongside Sterling as a young boy and had considered him a friend until the day Sterling had pilfered some sugar from the larder.†5 Master Gage Sterling is the person running the farm. He owns it, but is away allot and must therefore have Martha taking care of his old and demented mother Mrs. Gage. He has this static controlling aura, and makes the reader fear him. The short story makes the reader feel sorry for the slaves; because it is from their point of view, it is written. We hear about how tragic Mikey’s childhood was at the farm, and how they have to work hard every day to serve their master. When they then escape from the farm, the reader feels that justice has been done, but then feels sympathy with the slaves, when the confederate soldiers slaughter them. â€Å"The Whipping Boy† is a short story, which we can relate to a certain time in history. We can draw lines to the real world and see a connection and in the short story, it is the same people it is about and the same characters, and titles on the persons. Slavery is a problem still but the time in the 1800th was a time of big changes, and have been a very important landmark through history.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Shakespeare in Canada Essay example -- William Shakespeare

Shakespeare in My Canada If you ask my dad about Shakespeare, he will quote you a soliloquy from Macbeth. If you ask my dad about Kathakali, he will instantly quote you a poetic epic from the Mahabharata. If you ask my dad about how Shakespeare and Kathakali fit together, in truth, he is not quite sure. I was not sure of the reasons myself, when I first started thinking about what Shakespeare in my Canada meant to me, why I immediately thought of Kathakali. Kathakali is an indigenous art form of Kerala, the southernmost state of India, and my father's home. It is an extremely expressive form of dance-drama, originally performed to tell the stories of the major Indian epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. In recent years, there have been attempts in both India and Canada to adapt Shakespearean works to the Kathakali form, with varying degrees of success. Through exploration of two such attempts, as well as brief examination of critical responses to them, I would argue that Kathakali is in fact a viable form through which Shakespearean works can be adapted in a Canadian and/or post-colonial context. As we all know, Shakespeare himself based many of his plays on already existing plays and stories. It is fitting then that "Shakespeare's works have, from their inception, been both the product and the source of an ongoing explosion of re-creation" (Fischlin, 1). As a country once colonized by the British, Canada is especially familiar with Shakespeare's near-universal power to lend a sense of cultural authenticity to any setting, be it school-house stage, or tavern theatre. Today, despite being more than a century past 2 its colonial days, Canada is still struggling to define itself as a nation. Although we ma... with great potential to open new artistic doors in both Canada and India in the future. 6 Works Cited Fischlin, Daniel and Mark Fortier. "General Introduction." Adaptations of Shakespeare. Eds. Daniel Fischlin and Mark Fortier. London: Routledge, 2000. Khandwani, Sudha. "A Century of Indian Dance." Kala Nidhi Fine Arts of Canada. Available: . 2005. Raina, Arjun. Arjun Raina. Available: . 2004. 7 Appendix Image 1 Annette Leday performing "Stuff of Dreams" at Kala Nidhi Toronto, 2004 Available from ________________________________________________________________________ Image 2 Arjun Raina performing his KhelKali adaptation of Othello at Leela a Elahi Delhi, 1997 Available from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hughes Promotes the African Civilization Essay

Still recognized as one of the literary giants of America. Langston Hughes played an of import function as a author and mind of the Harlem Renaissance. This was an artistic motion of African Americans that arose during the 1920s to observe the lives and civilization of Africans in the United States ( â€Å"Langston Hughes† ) . Because most of the African Americans had been brought to the New World as slaves of white Masterss. it was poets and authors like Hughes. an African American adult male. that helped to alter the perceptual experience of African Americans in the heads of the Whites one time bondage had been abolished. Hughes’ verse forms. â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† published in 1926. and â€Å"Negro† published in 1958. hence depict African Americans as ordinary human existences like everybody else. and yet richer in civilization and civilisation than many others. seeing that they have participated in the building of the great â€Å"pyramids. † mentioned in both verse forms ( Hughes. 2007 ; Hughes ) . Hughes was direct and unfastened about the fact that his Hagiographas were meant to elate the conditions facing Africans in the United States ( Hughes. 1923 ) . They had been slaves. so therefore the Whites did non esteem them plenty even after the abolition of bondage. â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† was published five old ages after the Tulsa Riot and during the Harlem Renaissance ( â€Å"Race Riot. Lynchings. and other Forms of Racism in the 1920s† ) . â€Å"Negro. † on the other manus. was published at a clip when racism was considered a bigger job than earlier. In fact. during the 1950s racism was at the head of American idea ( Lewis. 2002 ) . Many conflicts were fought to put inkinesss equal to Whites in the heads of all Americans. Hughes’ part of the fiftiess. his verse form â€Å"Negro. † was merely different to the extent that it was an artist’s part. Countless other Africans were contending on the streets of America to put things right one time and for all. Both verse forms. â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† and â€Å"Negro. † are looks of African American individuality. The first verse form begins therefore: â€Å"I’ve known rivers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( Hughes ) . In the 2nd as in the first. although the poet has made clear that the storyteller is a negro – the verse form. â€Å"Negro† begins with the words. â€Å"I am a Negro† ( Hughes. 2007 ) . Because the Whites had been Masterss over African slaves. they were inclined to look down upon Africans. Since the Whites were proprietors of belongings in America and surely richer. the inkinesss longed to be like the Whites. But. Hughes would wish the Africans to experience at place in their ain teguments. With images of rivers every bit expansive as of the Euphrates. the Nile and the Mississippi – the verse form. â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers. † reminds the African of his or her historical roots or the history of the great African peoples who have traveled across all of these rivers adding value to the historical watercourse of civilizations. The verse form has irregular. long lines without beat because it is doing a basic point: the African psyche is every bit deep as any human psyche could be. The African single indulges in deep thought as he travels across antediluvian rivers. What he must brood on is his ain individuality on foreign dirt. Remembering the history of his civilisation. he must maintain in head that life carries on. What’s more. the poet reminds his fellow African that the black race has survived despite all odds ( Hughes ) . Because â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† was published during the extremum of Harlem Renaissance. it refers to depth of the African psyche. given that art is frequently understood as the voice of the psyche and the Harlem Renaissance was all about advancing African art and civilization in the United States. Using soft images such as the Mississippi’s bosom â€Å"turning aureate in the sundown. † the poet uses his accent on rivers to stand as a symbol for the deepness of the African psyche ( Hughes ) . â€Å"Negro. † published during the 1950’s besides references â€Å"depths† ( Hughes. 2007 ) . As in â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers. † the deepnesss mentioned by Hughes in both verse forms most likely refer to the deepness of African knowledge excessively. After all. both verse forms refer to the history of Africans. â€Å"Negro. † with its sentence agreements depicting either what had happened to Africans or what they have done in the history of the African civilisation – besides makes reference of the experiences and/or accomplishments that set Africans apart. for illustration. bondage and vocalizing ( Hughes. 2007 ) . The poet represents all Africans in both his verse form. â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† and â€Å"Negro. † What is more. both poems reference the fact that the Africans were portion of the labour force that built the ancient pyramids. In â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers. † it was the African who â€Å"looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it† ( Hughes ) . In â€Å"Negro. † the pyramid is said to hold arisen under the African manus. implying that the African was greatly skilled even at the clip of ancient pyramid building ( Hughes. 2007 ) . The chief difference between the two verse forms. â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† and â€Å"Negro† is. doubtless. the spirit of hope felt through the first verse form versus the sense of desperation assorted with hope in the 2nd verse form. Hughes must hold composed â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† in a different frame of head wholly. The verse form clearly promotes the African American civilization and art as originating in the deep history of humanity ( Hughes ) . Although â€Å"Negro† makes reference of universe history excessively. it does non needfully advance African American art. apart from its mention to vocalizing. The African American may be considered as more of a labourer or low paid worker than an creative person in â€Å"Negro† ( Hughes. 2007 ) . Possibly the verse form was non written to advance African American art at all. As mentioned antecedently. the 1950s saw the Whites and inkinesss of America contending over the inquiry of equal rights of Africans in about all major countries of province operation. including instruction. There were terrible jobs related to racism during this period of American history. Clearly. inkinesss were being looked down upon. It was in the temper of that hr that Hughes composed â€Å"Negro. † The verse form speaks of the mundaneness of the African person while depicting the good utilizations that Africans have been made of. for illustration. in the building of the â€Å"Woolworth Building† ( Hughes. 2007 ) . â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† is surely non blue or dejecting like â€Å"Negro. † chiefly because it does non do reference of bondage and victimization as the 2nd. After all. Hughes is contending against unfairness toward African Americans in the 1950s. In the 1920s. his cause was wholly different. If â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† had made frequent reference of darkness as does â€Å"Negro. † the Harlem Renaissance could non hold been considered a forerunner of hope ( Hughes. 2007 ) . References Hughes. L. ( 2007. Dec 2 ) . Negro. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol: //amandafa. blogspot. com/2007/12/negro-by-langston-hughes. hypertext markup language. ————– . ( 1926. Jun 23 ) . The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain. The State. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. hartford-hwp. com/archives/45a/360. hypertext markup language. ————– . The Negro Speaks of Rivers. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. wmrfh. org/dcrews/index_files/Hughes_The % 20Negro % 20Speaks % 20of % 20Rivers. physician. Langston Hughes. America’s Story from America’s Library. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. americaslibrary. gov/cgi-bin/page. cgi/aa/hughes. Lewis. C. H. ( 2002 ) . The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the fiftiess. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Colorado. edu/AmStudies/lewis/2010/civil. htm. Race Riot. Lynchings. and other Forms of Racism in the 1920s. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. premise. edu/ahc/raceriots/default. hypertext markup language.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ace Cable

Data Collection – Ace Cable RES 351 Data Collection – Ace Cable As stated in the week two, Ace Cable is an established company that offers cable television, telephone and internet services to its customers. These services are available to customers across the United States and they have been in business since 2000. In recent years, the competition has grown and Ace Cable is experiencing a decrease in customer enrollments. Customers now have multiple options to consider before enrolling into an agreement and Ace Cable is conducting research to persuade more people to sign on with the company.The research included defining the population from which the samples were collected. When it comes to the population and the different samples collected, the main goal is to focus on customers and provide outstanding services by conducting customer interviews, and surveys including group interviews of all ages. There are several methods that have taken place concerning collecting sam ples. The individual interviews we have collected were samples by applying surveys, from face to face interviews, in-store feedback, and telephone surveys. These surveys and interviews are conducted on a daily basis.These surveys are taking place in order to better our business when it comes to Ace cable. Individuals are completing surveys by voicing their opinions when it comes to the services and the channels that are selected. By having these surveys and interviews in place, we are getting the best feedback on what type of services they are looking forward to and what needs to be improved. In regard to group interviews, samples are being collected by surveys that are conducted at the time of the interviews. The surveys samples that are collected deals with expectations, feedback, and improved service.By having these different outcomes taking place, we can collect enough samples through interviewing and surveys bring an outstanding cable company. Next step is to determine the appr opriateness of the sample size. In researching ACE Cable we were able to find it effective in our methods of sampling as well as appropriate for the sample size. Since ACE Cable is a well-known company that ranges all over, we found it key that more than just area sampling (the most important form of cluster sampling) was used in the research. As mentioned earlier, ethods such as interviews, surveys, face to face contact, telephone surveys, and in-store feedback all played a vital role in how it was made possible to reach out on a wide network of customers and collect data. Through each individual store and employee of ACE cable at different locations covering all of the company’s population, feedback is being taken to ensure data is all being compiled for better use of the business' effectiveness. With probability sampling the data of ACE Cable was able to be more detailed and precisely researched on its large scale. Sources of bias or errors are possible when sampling.Valid ity is the degree to which the investigative goals are measured accurately, and the degree to which the research truly measures what it intended to measure. Another measurement tool is reliability, which measures consistency. Reliability refers to the extent to which the research measure is a consistent and dependable indicator of the investigation. If the measuring technique provides the same results once the measurement is repeated the accuracy of the measurement is high (Suresh, 2011) Selection biases are induced by sampling design. The sample group must be a true representation of the population without errors.It is important to decide how you select an appropriate setting and sample to conduct the study in order to avoid errors. Data collection takes place after sampling. Observation approach, investigative questions, communication approach, and questioning approach are just a few data collection methods used to collect data. Observation approach research is collected data thro ugh watching, recording, and analysis of observed behavior as it occurs in a natural setting. Investigative Questions are specific questions that the researchers ask to provide sufficient details and answers to research questions.Communication Approach research is collected of data through mass communication, media or speech. That kind of data involves surveying or interviewing people and recording their responses or analysis. Questioning approach research is better known a surveying. Survey is the process of data collected through interviews, questionnaires, the telephone, mail, a computer, e-mail, or the Internet (Cooper, 2011). The researches decided surveys would be the best way to determine why Ace Cable enrollment decreased and surveys constructed in a format that eliminates any ethical concerns. The data collection has no ethical concerns.All surveys contain the privacy act statement. All surveys explain study benefits and all participants’ answers remain confidential. The surveys are mailed across the United States and surveys are in the customer lobby. At this time, the researchers will not conduct e-mail surveys. It’s best to determine customers’ responses via mail and in-house first before branching out if there is a lack of participation. Cooper, D. &. (2011). Business research methods. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Suresh, K. T. (2011). Design, data analysis and sampling techiques for clinical research. Retrieved July 25, 2012, from RES 351.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Enlightenment

The Enlightenment is a name given by historians to an intellectual movement that was main period in the Western world during the 18th century. The Age of Enlightenment was a period that took place after the Renaissance and is characterized by profound changes in the mind and attitude, and lives of many Europeans. Strongly influenced by the rise of modern science and by the result of the long religious conflict that followed the Reformation, the People of the Enlightenment (who were called philosopher in France) were committed to worldly views based on reason or human understanding only, which they hoped would provide a basis for changes that would affect every area of life and thought. There were many changes that took place during the Enlightenment. Some of the most effective changes had to do with technological aspects, which made a huge change in the religious, political, and social aspects of European life. When all of the new technological aspect of life came in to the world a lot of things were much easier to do and control. A lot of the other changes that happened had to do with reasoning, it was known as a period of reasoning. At the start of the seventeen hundreds, came the Age of Enlightenment. During this time, there existed a strong desire for knowledge, readiness to exchange new ideas, and a belief that rational thought and action could help solve problems. Man had become mature enough to find his own way. The people became leaders, instead looking at ancient times, and following the ancient Greek traditions and ideas. There was a drive to understand nature and the natural world by methods of science. The enlightenment was a time was people began to question politics, religions and society. Ideas were attacked with new ideas that governed logic and reason. During the enlightenment there was a religious revolution, a scientific revolution, a technological revolution and a revolution in the attitudes and minds of man all t... Free Essays on Enlightenment Free Essays on Enlightenment The Enlightenment is a name given by historians to an intellectual movement that was main period in the Western world during the 18th century. The Age of Enlightenment was a period that took place after the Renaissance and is characterized by profound changes in the mind and attitude, and lives of many Europeans. Strongly influenced by the rise of modern science and by the result of the long religious conflict that followed the Reformation, the People of the Enlightenment (who were called philosopher in France) were committed to worldly views based on reason or human understanding only, which they hoped would provide a basis for changes that would affect every area of life and thought. There were many changes that took place during the Enlightenment. Some of the most effective changes had to do with technological aspects, which made a huge change in the religious, political, and social aspects of European life. When all of the new technological aspect of life came in to the world a lot of things were much easier to do and control. A lot of the other changes that happened had to do with reasoning, it was known as a period of reasoning. At the start of the seventeen hundreds, came the Age of Enlightenment. During this time, there existed a strong desire for knowledge, readiness to exchange new ideas, and a belief that rational thought and action could help solve problems. Man had become mature enough to find his own way. The people became leaders, instead looking at ancient times, and following the ancient Greek traditions and ideas. There was a drive to understand nature and the natural world by methods of science. The enlightenment was a time was people began to question politics, religions and society. Ideas were attacked with new ideas that governed logic and reason. During the enlightenment there was a religious revolution, a scientific revolution, a technological revolution and a revolution in the attitudes and minds of man all t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

50 Latin Phrases You Should Know

50 Latin Phrases You Should Know 50 Latin Phrases You Should Know 50 Latin Phrases You Should Know By Mark Nichol Latin expressions are often adopted into English, often with an extended or figurative meaning. Here are fifty of the most common phrases, followed by their literal translation in Latin and the meaning in English (omitted when the meaning follows the literal translation). 1. a posteriori (from the latter): based on experience 2. a priori (from the earlier): independent of experience 3. ad hoc (for this): said of something created or formed for a special case 4. ad infinitum (to infinity): something that keeps going forever 5. alea jacta est (the die is cast): said when a plot is set into motion 6. ars longa, vita brevis (art is long, life is short) 7. casus belli: (cause of war): where the blame lies 8. caveat emptor (let the buyer beware): a reference to the principle that a customer is responsible for making sure that a product is in good working order 9. compos mentis (of healthy mind): sane 10. ex cathedra (from the chair): with the full authority of office (often used in reference to the Catholic pope’s infallibility, but also employed in other contexts) 11. ex post facto (after the fact): realized with hindsight 12. de facto (from fact): something that happens in practice but is not necessarily established by law 13. de jure (from law): the contrary of de facto; something established by law 14. dies irae (day of judgment) 15. dramatis personae (persons of the drama): refers to a list of actors, or to the principal participants of an event or in a group 16. genius loci (guardian spirit): the character of a place 17. honoris causa (for the sake of the honor): an honorary degree 18. horribile dictu (horrible to say) 19. in extremis (in the farthest reaches): in a difficult situation, or at the point of death 20. in flagrante delicto (in the burning crime): caught in the act 21. in medias res (into the middle of things): in the midst of action (said of the opening of a story or account) 22. in situ (in that place): in its original place 23. in toto (as a whole) 24. ipso facto (by the very fact): because of that fact 25. inter alia (among other things) 26. mea culpa (I am responsible): forgive me 27. memento mori (remember that you must die): a reminder of mortality 28. mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) 29. mirabile dictu (amazing to say) 30. modus operandi (method of operating): way of working (also MO) 31. ne plus ultra (none more beyond): without equal, the greatest degree 32. non sequitur (it does not follow): said of something that does not logically relate to what came before 33. nota bene (note well): take note (also NB) 34. o tempora o mores (oh, the times, oh, the morals): said in criticism of behavior 35. omnia vincit amor (love conquers all) 36. panem et circenses (bread and circuses): said of things offered to the masses to distract them from what they should attend to for their own benefit 37. per se (by itself) 38. post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this): effect follows cause 39. prima facie (at first look): based on the first impression, or accepted as correct until proved otherwise 40. primus inter pares (first among equals) 41. pro forma (for form): for the sake of appearances or form 42. quid pro quo (this for that): something given in exchange for something else (hence quid, the nickname for the pound in UK currency) 43. quis custodiet ipsos custodes (who watches the watchers?): who shall protect us against those who (supposedly) protect us? 44. sic transit gloria mundi (thus passes the glory of the world): fame is fleeting in this world 45. sine qua non (without which thing . . . not): said of something indispensable 46. sub rosa (under the rose): happening or done in secret 47. sui generis (in its own class): unique 48. tabula rasa (scraped tablet): blank slate (the concept of the human mind before it receives impressions from experience) 49. tempus fugit (time flies) 50. terra firma (solid ground): often used figuratively to refer to certainty 51. vox populi (voice of the people) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?Acronym vs. InitialismRite, Write, Right, Wright

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Job Spotlight Clinical Nurse

Job Spotlight Clinical Nurse in keeping with our recent examination of specialized health careers, this week we’re looking at clinical nurses, who specialize in coordinating patient care and monitoring protocols and standards in clinical settings. what do clinical nurses do?according to o*net online, these are the main job responsibilities of a clinical nurse:collecting medical information from patients, family members, or other medical professionalsdiagnosing medical conditionsprescribing medicationsexamining patients to assess general physical conditionpreparing reports summarizing patient diagnostic or care activitiescollaborating with health care professionals to ensure optimal patient careproviding consultation in areas such as patient discharge, patient care, or clinical proceduresdeveloping and maintaining departmental policies, procedures, objectives, or patient care standards based on evidence-based practice guidelines or expert opinionevaluating the quality and effectiveness of nursing practice or organizational systemsdeveloping, implementing, or evaluating standards of nursing practice in specialty areas such as pediatrics, acute care, and geriatricsdirecting or supervising nursing care staffdesigning patient education programsproviding care to inpatients and outpatients within a designated specialty such as obstetrics, neurology, oncology, or neonatal careobserving, interviewing, and assessing patients to identify care needsessentially, it’s a dynamic role that involves collaborating with other practitioners, training nurses and evaluating staff performance, and educating patients on treatment options and procedures related to their care.what training will you need?most clinical nurses have a bachelor’s or associate’s degree; and the vast majority are registered nurses, or have degrees in nursing administration, nursing science, family practice nursing, or another specialty.hiring landscapemedian salarywho’s hiring?as of this post, there are almost 2,500 direct employers for clinical nurses. the top employers include:carolinas healthcare system (517 jobs)community health systems inc (305 jobs)consulate health care  (288 jobs)tandem health care of cheswick (259 jobs)baycare (254 jobs)providence health services (226 jobs)unitedhealth group (212 jobs)wakemed (209 jobs)indian health service (207 jobs)hca: the healthcare company (193 jobs)sample job postingcardiac/telemetry unit – clinical nurse specialist/clinical nurse leader/aprnfull time position available, primarily days, 8-hour shifts, evenings, some weekends and holidays as required.responsibilitiesexciting opportunity for motivated clinical nurse specialist to work across the spectrum of clinical services in caring for cardiac/telemetry patients to provide educational resource and leadership support. must have a strong clinical base as well as an interest/background in customer service, quality assurance, care management, orientation, and continuing educati on. main areas of focus will be working at the bedside with staff with focus on orientation, in-services, competency development and documentation.excellent interpersonal and communication skills a must. 3-5 years experience preferred, ms degree required.qualificationsrequires a master’s degree in nursing or related field and an active new york state license in good standing. applicants will have 5 years experience as an rn with one to three years of leadership experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience. the clinical nurse specialist influences the quality and delivery of care in various roles including consultant, researcher, mentor, and practitioner. this role may be unit, program, or service based and is involved in continuous quality improvement initiatives.apply here:  hot clinical nursing jobs

Saturday, October 19, 2019

US War Operations in the Pacific Theater Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

US War Operations in the Pacific Theater - Essay Example In other words, American sentiment was basically isolationist. A sneak attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was the catalyst which had turned this public sentiment into a war-like footing as people were aghast at the perfidy of the Japanese treachery while at the same time still negotiating the terms of a peace agreement. In retrospect, America was more or less not so well prepared but its entry into the Allied side of a world war turned the tide as America had great natural resources necessary to conduct a war. This paper explores and discusses the American operations in the Pacific theater in WWII. America's entry into the war was precipitated by the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on December 8, 1941 (a beautiful Sunday morning) which caused heavy losses due to America being caught unawares of Japan's secret plans to control and conquer the British and Dutch colonial possessions in the Far East. Specifically, it was done as a preemptive strike at American naval forces by the Imperial General Headquarters of Japan to disable the American fleet; the attack was carried out by 353 fighters, bombers and torpedo planes launched on the Sunday when most American troops were out for church and other weekend activities. This attack was launched entirely from a naval battle group consisting of six aircraft carriers and it caused massive losses to America, which sunk four navy battleships and damaged four more. The aircraft destroyed was about 188 in total but American lives lost numbered to a staggering 2,402 killed and additional 1,282 servicemen wounded in what is called as a â⠂¬Å"Day of Infamy†. Japan had imperial colonial designs of her own and coveted the numerous colonies in the Far East owned by Britain and the Netherlands. However, the Japanese military strategists knew they could not possibly win a war of attrition against an enemy like the United States of America which is much bigger in terms of population and has vast natural resources needed to conduct a prolonged war. Only a preemptive strike will allow Japan to gain a temporary initial advantage long enough for it to consolidate its gains and obtain access to the natural resources which it jealously covets such as oil, rubber, iron, gold and other minerals. The two European countries of Great Britain and the Netherlands were preoccupied with the war in Europe and so left their Asian colonies vulnerable with only minimal defenses, such as Singapore that fell into Japanese hands after a very short conquest. America was perceived by the Japanese as the only credible threat in the Pacific a rea due to the presence of its naval forces at Hawaii. Some of the Japanese military planners had been initially reluctant to draw America into this war; a main concern was not to awaken a sleeping giant with serious consequences for the whole of Japan if in case the war drags on (Fitzgerald 13) but almost everyone agreed it was necessary for Japan to strike first. It was a military victory but a huge political mistake on Japan's part. It gained for Japan about 6 months of advantage to enable it to at first dominate the Pacific war. Although American soldiers stationed at the Hawaii naval base at Oahu knew war is only a matter of time, no one expected it so soon and were caught with their pants down, so to speak. The sneak attack had angered American citizens and galvanized public opinion towards ultimate involvement in a war Americans did not want. America had to play catch up and the United

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Plan on E-Recycling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Marketing Plan on E-Recycling - Essay Example of getting rid of the waste, as well as getting a reusable product in return. Hence recycling is a very powerful tool to use resources that would have probably gone to waste and would have caused a lot of damage. Recycling also plays a major role in reducing the greenhouse effect because when recycling takes place the gas emission is very small as compared to when the goods are produced for the first time, this too is because it takes lesser resources to recycle a good. For example, paper can easily be recycled and reused. ... It refers to recycling the electronic products that are no longer in use for many a reasons like outdated technology or any technical or machinery problem etc. E-recycling is becoming one of the most important area in the field of recycling nowadays as more and more electronic items like computers, cell phones etc are being used by more and more people. These devices are becoming more accessible, more affordable and more popular among people as the buying power of people increases and so does their awareness and interest in such products. Moreover, since the technology is changing much more rapidly than it has ever had, people switch to newer products after very short span of using older ones and dispose the used products off. This factor is also adding to the e-waste. Thus, the need of e-recycling is increasing day-by-day and it is time to take as many steps as possible to help solve this issue in order to help reduce pollution. Some examples of goods that are commonly e-recycled th e world over are electronic circuits and gadgets, computers, cell-phones, batteries and other such items. MARKETING PLAN A Marketing Plan is one of the most important parts of a business plan. A good Marketing Plan is a complete set of decisions, strategies and marketing techniques and tactics that would be necessary in order to market a product, brand, service or a product line in the most effective and efficient manner. It is a list of all the necessary actions needed to achieve one or more marketing objectives. The time period of a marketing plan may stretch from one year up to five years. Although listing down the necessary actions, tactics and techniques is very important while formulating a sound marketing plan, but if a marketing plan lacks relevant and

Bioterrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bioterrorism - Research Paper Example k of severe, unexplained acute respiratory disease now known as hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in the Spring of 1993, the nationwide foodborne salmonellosis outbreak caused by contaminated ice cream that accounted for an estimated 250,000 cases in the fall of 1994, and the increasing problems posed by antimicrobial-resistant organisms in community and health-care settings† (Hughes, 1999, par. 2). The article written by Tucker (1999) has revealed that most of the biological agent cases turned out to be hoaxes. As explicitly revealed, â€Å"of the terrorist attacks with biological agents, only one resulted in casualties: the use by the Rajneeshee cult in 1984 of Salmonella Typhimurium bacteria to contaminate restaurant salad bars in The Dalles, Oregon. This event caused 751 cases of food poisoning, none fatal† (Tucker: Conclusion, 1999, par. 1). Despite the differences in findings, the government has obviously been keen on evaluating, monitoring, and assuming a proactive stance in addressing terrorist attacks, especially involving biological agents (Hughes, 1999). According to the Homeland Security, a national biodefense program has been put into place to address threats of biological agents (Homeland Security, n.d.). It was therefore disclosed that as part of the intensified need to address threats of bioterrorism, the Homeland Security has been assigned to establish four pillars of the defense program, to wit: â€Å"Threat Awareness; Prevention and Protection; Surveillance and Detection; (and) Response and Recovery† (Homeland Security, n.d., p. 1). As part of the government’s public health policy, close coordination and collaboration with state and federal health agencies are encouraged, especially in examining potential biological threats. As emphasized, â€Å"intelligence analysts and biodefense experts at the National Biological Threat Characterization Center conduct studies and laboratory experiments, filling in information gaps to help us better understand and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Is the English Law on Ancillary Relief Defective Essay

Is the English Law on Ancillary Relief Defective - Essay Example In cases of divorce, nullity of marriage, judicial separation and presumption of death and dissolution of marriage in England and Wales, a party to the dissolved marriage may claim for pecuniary award for the determination of issues regarding consequential monetary matter. This court proceeding is formally called Ancillary Relief. It is that part of the course of action which determines the financial concern as between the parties to the marriage. In reality, once the husband and wife decide to annul their marriage, they usually see eye to eye and make up their minds to go through the process of divorce, taking into consideration the fact that they have earnestly thought about it over and over, including its consequences. Eventually, after the couple has finally decided to accept that their marriage is really over, they commence the discussion on issues regarding the children (if there be any) and the separation of their property. More often than not, the couple sorts out by agreement these aforesaid issues. Generally, for cases of divorce between spouses, where the applicant is a resident or domiciled in England, the English Courts have the jurisdiction to conclude and determine whether the granting of a decree of divorce is warranted under given circumstances. The process of ancillary relief is included in this procedure wherein the English Courts are given a wide range of discretion to decide the amount of relief to be awarded for the benefit of one of the spouses and/or their children. Considering the fact that jurisdiction is vested on the English Courts if the applicant is a resident or is domiciled in this country, it follows then that a foreign spouse who is domiciled and resident abroad may be granted a financial relief. But this is not to say that the rule on this situation is limitless. There are some cases where the courts have declined to issue orders of relief to those foreign spouses on the ground that the courts believed that it would be utterly ineffective to do so. One relevant case is the early case of Tallack v. Tallack [1927], where the court found that one respondent had no substantive link or effective connection with England, and the courts of the country where he is domiciled and resident would have rejected the execution of the English order, the English court refused to make an order of ancillary relief. The all-embracing and extensive scope of use by the English courts' legally sanctioned authority to decide between a variety of outcomes in determining the financial award for ancillary relief has the underlying moral basis of trying to preserve for each party their financial status as it would have been, had the marriage continued to subsist. [Sherwood v. Sherwood (1928)] On the other hand, ancillary relief of the English law is often criticized and condemned for being flawed by some jurists overseas. They claim that "it is inappropriate to the modern concept of matrimony as a partnership since it is 'a law of separation of assets' and that it is illogical in a marriage partnership in which in theory there should be 'community of property' unless there are special reasons for contracting out of such a position." In the landmark case of White v. White (2000), Lord Nicholls made a clear-cut statement that "(t)he statutory provisions lend no support to the idea that a claimant's financial needs, even interpreted generously and called

Doppelganger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Doppelganger - Essay Example The objective shall be met by the aid of the salient delivery techniques employed by the director to effectively bring out the themes. The prestige adequately covers the theme of sacrifice that goes into deception; the kind of deception that is good enough to generate the perception that what is achieved is actually magical and cannot be replicated by someone else without the knowledge, skills and experience of the magician. A peculiar characteristic of this sacrifice is that in most instances, it is often disguised because its discovery could be fatal to the discovery of the truth thus unmasking the fact that no magic is performed. Two examples stand out to demonstrate sacrifice. One is in the characters of Borden and Chung Ling Soo. In order to perform the magic trick of entering one point and exiting the other instantaneously, Borden cleverly uses a twin brother to accomplish the same. However, great sacrifice is what makes the achievement a reality. Borden has to conceal at all costs that he has a twin brother and make sure that the status quo remains hidden for life (McGowen, 2012, p. 112). This demonstrates how far he is willing to go just to deceive his audiences. Borden cannot even reveal his twin brother to his wife Sarah who is forced into taking her own life when she suspects that she has been dealing with two men believing them to be one. Further, sacrifice is still demonstrated when Borden’s two fingers get shot off during a magic activity that goes awry. Instead of stopping bullets as originally intended, he ends up with two fingers chopped. The negative development puts the secret of his t win brother in jeopardy as the brother will be conspicuously distinguishable from him with all fingers intact. The only solution is to chop of the fingers of the other brother so that they all look the same. Perhaps, this example best demonstrates how far in the domain of sacrifice a magician can go to capture and retain audience for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Is the English Law on Ancillary Relief Defective Essay

Is the English Law on Ancillary Relief Defective - Essay Example In cases of divorce, nullity of marriage, judicial separation and presumption of death and dissolution of marriage in England and Wales, a party to the dissolved marriage may claim for pecuniary award for the determination of issues regarding consequential monetary matter. This court proceeding is formally called Ancillary Relief. It is that part of the course of action which determines the financial concern as between the parties to the marriage. In reality, once the husband and wife decide to annul their marriage, they usually see eye to eye and make up their minds to go through the process of divorce, taking into consideration the fact that they have earnestly thought about it over and over, including its consequences. Eventually, after the couple has finally decided to accept that their marriage is really over, they commence the discussion on issues regarding the children (if there be any) and the separation of their property. More often than not, the couple sorts out by agreement these aforesaid issues. Generally, for cases of divorce between spouses, where the applicant is a resident or domiciled in England, the English Courts have the jurisdiction to conclude and determine whether the granting of a decree of divorce is warranted under given circumstances. The process of ancillary relief is included in this procedure wherein the English Courts are given a wide range of discretion to decide the amount of relief to be awarded for the benefit of one of the spouses and/or their children. Considering the fact that jurisdiction is vested on the English Courts if the applicant is a resident or is domiciled in this country, it follows then that a foreign spouse who is domiciled and resident abroad may be granted a financial relief. But this is not to say that the rule on this situation is limitless. There are some cases where the courts have declined to issue orders of relief to those foreign spouses on the ground that the courts believed that it would be utterly ineffective to do so. One relevant case is the early case of Tallack v. Tallack [1927], where the court found that one respondent had no substantive link or effective connection with England, and the courts of the country where he is domiciled and resident would have rejected the execution of the English order, the English court refused to make an order of ancillary relief. The all-embracing and extensive scope of use by the English courts' legally sanctioned authority to decide between a variety of outcomes in determining the financial award for ancillary relief has the underlying moral basis of trying to preserve for each party their financial status as it would have been, had the marriage continued to subsist. [Sherwood v. Sherwood (1928)] On the other hand, ancillary relief of the English law is often criticized and condemned for being flawed by some jurists overseas. They claim that "it is inappropriate to the modern concept of matrimony as a partnership since it is 'a law of separation of assets' and that it is illogical in a marriage partnership in which in theory there should be 'community of property' unless there are special reasons for contracting out of such a position." In the landmark case of White v. White (2000), Lord Nicholls made a clear-cut statement that "(t)he statutory provisions lend no support to the idea that a claimant's financial needs, even interpreted generously and called

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Self-Representation of Native Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self-Representation of Native Americans - Essay Example Current conceptions and representations of Native American culture sometimes suppose they are lazy, casino owning alcoholics who ignorantly refuse to assimilate into modern society. One artist of the 19th century attempted to re-categorize the representations of Native Americans, George Caitlin. In his works, one sees an obvious and intentional desire to portray Native Americans as noble and civilized, some works going as far as to suggest that it is European civilization that is the problem as it is a corrupting and destructive influence on the indigenous populations of the Americas. Self-representation of oppressed and minority populations has proven an effective way to create a voice in the public discourse and to question the validity of particular suppositions which underlie the dominant paradigms of understanding. Unfortunately, there has been limited access to Native American self-representations in the public space until very recently. An exhibition of a rare sketchbook, A Kiowa's Odyssey, is traveling around the country showing the drawings of an autodidact, Etahdleuh Doanmoe, whose sketches depict the capture and relocation of 72 Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne and members of other tribes from Fort Sill, Oklahoma to St. Augustine, Florida. Though these Doanmoe sketches lack the formal compositional techniques of Caitlin's oeuvre the contrast between representation and self-representation of Native American populations is well manifested in the juxtaposition of these two bodies of work. This paper will focus on the context and intention as embodied by and thro ugh the sketches and paintings. The drawings that appear in the Sketchbook of Doanmoe were originally collected by Lieutenant Richard Henry Pratt, a strong advocate of Indian assimilation and the founder of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania.1 Pratt believed that the Indians needed to reject their primitive ways and become educated in Western language, manners, and religion. To this end after capturing Doanmoe and some 70 other Native Americans he marched them 1,000 miles from Fort Sill in Oklahoma to Fort Marion where they received "training" for three years. The sketchbook catalogued the events that took place there, and their titles once assembled were type-written on the top by Pratt himself.2 One feature of the sketches that is immediately noticeable is the unusual perspective that Doanmoe utilizes, namely a rather panoramic perspective as illustrated in his Prisoners Entering Fort Sill.3 This perspective intimates a fundamental disconnect with the subject matter. This fundament disconnection lies in stark contrast to many of the paintings of George Caitlin. Caitlin painted over 35 portraits of tribal chiefs and most of them such as Shonkakihega, Horse Chief, Grand Pawnee Head Chief 4have a very close and intensely intimate impression, with the subject dominating a rather contrived background that only serves to highlight and foreground the features of the subject as the colors in the background seem only chosen to compliment the various colors used for the subject. Caitlin was determined to attach a sense of nobility and austerity to the indigenous subjects of his works. This distinction in perspective reveals something about the relative positions of the two artists

Everyday Drugs Essay Example for Free

Everyday Drugs Essay The essay â€Å"Everyday Drugs† written by Adam Smith reminds me that government plays an important role in our lives. The government is an important element for the existence of a state. Without which, a particular society will be in chaos. Anarchy will govern. There will be no order because people are not guided by any rules. Due to this, people will always think that every action they make is right. But since there is government, a world full of chaos is prevented. Every person is guided by laws that govern our action. Each government prescribes what is right and what is wrong. In my opinion, government is very important because it produces harmony and tranquility in a particular society. Sometimes, however, the presence of government restricts our actions too much. It sometimes hinders our freedom to act. Also, government in different countries perceive certain action to be right while some government perceives the same act as illegal. For example, in Holland, people are allowed to smoke cannabis in public places without being apprehended by the authorities. This is because smoking of cannabis is allowed in their country. However, if a person is seen smoking cannabis the United States, he or she will be apprehended because that particular act is proscribed in that country. There is no substantial distinction between the people in Holland and the people in America which will give the people in the former be allowed to smoke cannabis. The only difference between them is that the government perceives such act to be permissible in Holland while the other perceive it otherwise. In the essay, Smith associates government as a drug which prescribes to its people what are the action that are legal and what are those illegal. The government tries to manipulate what our action should be. I believe that it is alright for us to be guided by rules for as long as our freedom to act is not infringed.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Study On World War II And Casablanca

Study On World War II And Casablanca Casablanca is a classic World War II movie set in December and in the year of 1941 in Casablanca, Morocco, which was the location for people seeking to find an exit port to depart to the United States in order to escape the terrible conditions of the war in Europe as well as the Nazi concentration camps. This movie was set before the involvement of the United States in World War II and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The movie depicted the urban society with people belonging to the different ranges from low, middle and upper classes. There were also government officials such as Major Strasser, Captain Louis and the Czech nationalist Victor Laszlo. The characters are fictional, but they symbolize the different factors of World War II and their role during this time period. This film was produced in the year of 1942, which was the period when United States was awakened by the attack on their Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese air force and navy. This film demonstrates t he conditions in Europe and the importance of the letters of transit, which allowed people to travel freely in Europe and the hope it gave to their survival and their dream of reaching America. Also the film projects Gestapo, which was the official secret police of Nazi-Germany that arrested Victor Laszlow and took him to the concentration camps, where he had to endure through an agonizing experience, which was foreseen through the scarring on his face. Also the idea of the concentration camps was expressed by Victor Laszlo, who was prominently against Nazi Germany. Also the movie depicted the control and influence of Germany in the Vichy French government. The main message that this film portrayed was the idea of neutrality. This film expressed that during times of war, it was difficult for a country to stay out, because eventually there were events and circumstances that provoked and drove them into the conflict as well. As hard as it was for Rick, who was an American, to stay neu tral out of the European political conflict, he was eventually influenced and driven into the fight against Nazi-Germany with his friendship with the French police Captain Louis by the end of the movie. This film portrayed the shift of one man from neutrality into the European political conflict and his support for the pro-Free French and being anti-Vichy. Rich portrayed the United States, which was neutral until the attack on Pearl Harbor, which brought the American government to the edge of only declaring war and joining the sides of the allies in order to protect and bring justice to humanity. During the time of war, all of the characters in the film had different backgrounds and nationalities. All of these factors influenced the different motives and feelings that these characters had to endure during World War II. Nazi officials were very strict and arrested those who were suspected of espionage or treason against their form of government and rule. Rick Blaine was portrayed as an isolated character from the European conflict, but due to him having the letters of transit and killing the Nazi Major Strasser, he eventually became involved into the fight and gave motivation to others to fight along the side of the Allies in order to defeat Hitler. Before Rick Blaine came to Casablanca and became the owner of the cafà ©, he was active in the political world in Spain and Ethiopia, where he supported many groups of people against the fascist rulers in those two countries. Even though he expressed that he shared no feelings of the terrible conditions of the war in Europe, he wa s still internally not satisfied with the current type of political system. Since he always had a strong disapproval of a dictatorial government, he also disapproved of the conditions and the nature of the Nazi Germany and their way of ruling other countries such as France and Czechoslovakia. Rick evolved after being heartbroken by the departure of Ilsa, who went to live forever with her husband, Victor, who everyone thought died, but who was very lucky to have survived. Rick lost that happiness that used to show when he was with her. Even though they met again, but only to struggle and to fight their way through Europe in order to escape from the Nazis claws, who were constantly on their tail and it was the reason that Rick and Ilsa had to leave Paris in order to prevent getting into any further trouble or being arrested by the German forces after the Germans seized and captured Paris in a glimpse and developed the new form of regime called the Vichy. Victor Laszlow was a Czech nationalist, who was a journalist and wanted to express to the world about the deeds of Nazi Germany and how they broke the rules set by the League of Nations. He was frustrated as a citizen after Germany took over Czechoslovakia. He is a man of pure heart, who was willing to sacrifice his life in order to ensure that Ilsa arrived in the United States safely. After Victor Laszlow was arrested by the Gestapo, he had to endure through the difficulties of the concentration camps and made it out alive in order to ensure that no other man or women like him had to struggle through the pain of such cruel aggressors. Due to his experience, he became a strong and a brave man, who denied the fear of death and was not weakened by the intimidation of the Nazis. He only symbolized the devastation and fall of Germany. Mainly, he portrayed the heroic characteristics in a person, but most importantly he represented significantly as a resistance leader, who was willing do a nything in his power to destroy and defeat the Nazis from the fate of this world. He was an important factor and became a very valuable piece as he took the side of the Allies in his battle against justice and peace. Even though Rick wanted to leave with Ilsa in order to escape from this cruel hemisphere, he learned the importance of his existence as he sacrificed his love for Ilsa and took on the side of the Allies and in support of the Free French. At the end of the film, instead of departing with Ilsa, he gave the transit of letters to Ilsa and Victor so they can continue to reveal the truth of the Germans and their corrupt, political environment and succeed in their motives, while he decided to continue his political cause against an unjust government and the corrupt people who control it. Rick was going to start a new beginning through a new friendship by leaving his love behind. He was going to join Louis in a political alliance through becoming freedom fighters and aiding the Allies against their continual fight against the Central Powers. Rick and Louis became connected due to their similar beliefs and decisions to leave Casablanca for Brazzaville. Also Rick and Louis friendship was the r epresentation of American French alliance, which included French resistance groups and others who disliked the Germans. Despite the surrender and defeat of France to Germany, the underground resistance was still very strong and unified. However many people from France tried to escape the miserable rules of the Nazis, specifically after Germany took over Paris. The survival of the resistance holds more meaning by the end of the film than the preservation of love shared by Rick and Ilsa. Even though the Vichy French government limited the political independence, the French people still wanted to arise and take back their country. The Vichy government limited the rise of a powerful French nationalism due to the fact that many French officers took the side of the superior side that held power and disregarded the difference between right and wrong. Just like Louis transformation to a resistance idealist, many alike him will follow his path in order to ensure that they get their nation back. Even though Louis Ranaud served as the French police captain, but he failed to have the same amount of power compared to his superior Major Strasser or to any other German officer. He was portrayed as a French person, who represented the Vichy France and its influence on its French officers. Louis Ranaud was portrayed as a servant to the German empire and a person, who shared no feelings of his own and failed to understand the difference between right and wrong. Louis showed his act of loyalty only to the superior side, which was Germany in this case. Even though he expressed his loyalty for Major Strasser, but it was just an act in order to satisfy the German officers so they would not suspect him of being against their rule and this act also ensured his own survival and not being arrested or sent to the concentration camps for treason or ideas of resistance. Louis had to follow the commands of Major Strasser and in order to please him, he ended up arresting Laszlo and Ugarte and al so ended up closing Ricks bar in order to show his allegiance. The Vichy French government supported the Germans in their actions due to their fear of being put down by the strong German forces. Also the Vichy government had most of their power in the unoccupied French regions, mainly the Southern parts, where there were no German rule, but however in the regions of occupied France, the Vichy government could not overrule over the Germans laws and they could only enforce their the laws in these regions, if their laws did not contradict with the Germans ways. Even though this film provided a source of entertainment through the romance and drama, it also brought out some of the nature and conditions of World War II of 1942. With the comedy it provided, this film also portrayed the nature of the concentration camps due to the physical condition of Victor Laszlos face and his description of his struggle when he was there. Also the film displayed the Nazi secret police called the Gestapo. It also accurately expressed the existence of the Vichy government in France and their act of loyalty to Germany. As well as during the war and in the movie, many people were looking to escape to the United States or elsewhere in order to avoid the horrible environment of the war or being arrested by the Germans and being sent to the concentration camps. Many people did travel from France to Casablanca in order to escape to America from Lisbon, but letters of transit did not exist to serve as a pass to escape from Europe. The invasion of Paris by German forc es was accurate with the display of well equipped and trained German soldiers, who took over Paris with a surprise and that finalized the surrender of France to Germany. Also Germany capturing Czechoslovakia triggered the beginning of a conflict as other countries joined in order to protect the rights of small nations. With all of this expressed in the movie, the director did intend to capture and focus some of the historical period of World War II as well provide entertainment altogether. All the of addressed accuracies that exist in the movie as well as that happened during the period of the World War II are accurate with the information provided by historians and the encyclopedia of the period of World War II. During the period of World War II, United States not only was awakened by destruction of Pearl Harbor, but also realized the extent of European countries progress in industrialization and technology. Due to the lack of power and lack of involvement by major countries in the League of Nations, it was unable to provide any stability or protection when it was most needed. As of today, the United Nations is represented by nearly all of the countries and thus it has a force and power to tackle any problems around the world.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The One Day of the Year Essay -- essays research papers

How are the main characters in a play constructed to represent the text’s underlying values and attitudes? Answer with reference to at least one stage drama that you have seen or studied. The One Day Of The Year explores a family’s relationships at the time of Anzac Day. It is the story of a son questioning the validity of Anzac Day as a true commemoration of our soldiers, while his father refuses to accept the changes in his son’s attitudes, Alf’s wife tries to anchor the family and Wacka, the true Anzac, remembers his experiences in his own way. In contrast, Alf and Dot, his parents, are obviously more traditional. The rest of the house is small, the furniture is dowdy, and their kitchen is primitive. It is then that the viewer is introduced to Alf's attitudes towards life. He is sitting at the table getting progressively more drunk and whingeing about all those more fortunate than himself. His language is slang, and his vocabulary includes words such as â€Å"wotcher†. He also has a strong ‘dinkum-di aussie’ accent. He is obviously uneducated and resents those who are. The family then begin to talk about Hughie and we realise that he has modern clothes and a ‘sports suit’. These are in contrast with Alf and Dot’s old clothes- Dot has just removed a large overcoat. In the next scene, the viewer is introduced to Hughie and Jan. Jan uses upper-class language and condescendingly uses words such as ‘marvellous’. Hugie’s language is not upper-class, but in comparison to Alf’s ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Investigating Special Education Internet Resources Essay

Family Village For Families of Children with Special Needs – This website offers a wide variety of resources for the community to use when trying to navigate around the internet. It has sources such as Parent to Parent Matching, Mental health Websites, Diagnosis, and Internet resources. The Tulsa Area Alliance on Disabilities – The website explains the benefits of early inclusion with students with and without disabilities. The website also breaks down the stages in which the person should be reaching milestones such as work and self-sufficiency. Tulsa Kids For Parents. For Families. For Life – The Tulsa Kids for Parents webstie offers five pages facilities where children with disabilities can utilize for exercise, activities, cheerleading, horseback riding and many other events that students with disabilities can participate in. This site also provides churches, foundations, learning facilities and legal services. This can be very helpful when parents are searching for activities their child may be interested or therapeutic exercise. United Way – Tulsa Area United Way – The Untied Way provides a tremendous amount of support in the Tulsa area for people with disabilities. The United Way partners with agencies to provide support for services the New Leaf that provides residential living skills classes and vocational training. Parents National Center for Learning Disabilities – The NCLD website provides over 101 videos on different disabilities in order for parents to get an understanding of what type of disability their child may have. Not only does it provide facts about the disabilities it also provides true life stories from parents who have a child with a disability. Oklahoma Department of Human Services – services/dd/prvdrs/docs/providerlistab.htmlThe Department of Human Services is one of the most crucial services a parent can utilize. Having a child born with a disability is very expensive and the services the parents are offered are sometimes are life savers. Families can rely on free home visits for therapy, vouchers for formula, free shots and wellness baby checkups. Wrightslaw – Wrightslaw is a website that provides newsletters for parents to subscribe to concerning where to turn for Special Advocacy, Legal issues, revised regulations in education. This is a must to parents with a child that has a disability due to the fact that the website gets you headed in the right directs if a problem arises. The information is up to day on the No Child Left Behind Act. Students Funbrain – – This website provides interactive games such as connect the dots to create a picture of an animal or character. Funbrain is for all school age students and are arranged in different grade levels. KidsKnowIt Network – – The Kids Know It Network can be used as a homework helper by watching math videos on the problems a student may be struggling with. There are also bidoes on astronomy, biology, geology, history, math, memory and so much more. Teachers can utilize this website as an additional tool in the classroom. The great part about this website is it is free. Learn4Good – – Learn4Good offers all ages Pre-k through 12 interactive games, lessons, math, reading, and can provide a report on student progress. At first I did not think students should be on this website but then took a closer look at what it had to offer the lower grades as well as the upper grades. Many times the older grades do not have enough educational websites to keep their interests or only geared to lower level learners. Starfall – – Starfall offers children a large variety of learning tools to begin students learning adventures for all ages. The different categories range from learning their alphabet, colors, days, sounds to the students reading. My students with disabilities use this website when they come into the computer lab. Teachers Department of Education The Department of Education is one of the most valuable websites that keeps teachers and administrators informed of the changing laws in education. It provides resources for grants, professional development and funding. Do2Learn Do2Learn is a must for teachers who teach children with autism. It allows you to print pictures of the child’s daily routine with flash cards. Self help toilet procedures, clothing, social behaviors and emotions. It offers over 2,500 pictures cards that can be printed. Most features on this site are free but there are some that you will need a subscription for. This website is a must for parents and teachers who work with Autistic students. Khan Academy Khan Academy is one of the most valuable websites for teachers to utilize as a resources tool. It offers 750 math videos that allows students to view a 3-5 minute video on the math problem that they are currently working. If students struggle with a certain step of a math problem they can view the video as many times as they may need. This is great as a homework helper. Learning Disabilities Association of America The LDA can provide a path to understanding of many of the disabilities that teachers come in contact with every day. As an educator it is important to utilize resources that can provide definitions of their student’s disabilities. It provides signs, symptoms and strategies. National Association of Special Education Teachers The NASET offers a wide range of resources for teachers such as Professional Development Courses, IEP Development Tools, E-Journals, IEP Golas, Objectives and Activities App. The most up to day features are also avail and can be utilized form your ipad or iphone app. One very important feature about this website is that it provides handouts, printable forms and reports. No Child Left Behind The No Child Left Behind website offers resources for teachers and strategies that can be utilized in the classroom. Free special educational resources, bullying resources, are just some of the resources. The website also provides changes in the state standards, which is something that all teachers need to be aware of at all times.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Battle of the Marne

ww2 The Battle of the Marne By Owen Fish In September 1914, the First Battle of the Marne took place. It is called the Battle of the Marne because it took place at the River Marne outside of Paris France. The German forces were attacking the French capital after invading places like Belgium and North Eastern France. The Germans were expected to win this battle and because of that, the French government fled Paris to Bordeaux.The Weapons used during this battle and many battles of this time was bolt action rifles, with the Germans using the Mauser Gewehr 98. When the Battle began the French Commander in Chief, Joseph Joffre, launched a counter attack by attacking one side of the German line. When he attacked the one side, part of the line helped out the people on the side, creating a gap between the two German armies. When this gap formed, the French troops forced it wider and wider by attacking the other side of the gap.On September 8 1914, French troops launched a surprise attack on the second German army, further widening the gap between the two armies. On September the 9th, the German chief of staff, Helmuth Von Moltke, ordered a retreat by the two German armies because of poor communication between them. When they retreated the Allied forces followed them, but not too quickly. After approximately 40 miles of retreating from the Marne river, the Germans camped out and dug trenches, that eventually led to trench warfare.The French armies lost about 250,000 soldiers at the Battle of the Marne and the German armies are believed to have lost about the same numbers, but no official numbers are available. The British BEF, which helped the French armies throughout the battle lost about 12,733 men. The Allied Victory at the Battle of the Marne not only was an Allied Victory, but it ended any German hopes of ending the First World War quickly. French Soldiers at the Battle

Last Day at School Essay

As we come to the end of 2012-13, the words that come to mind are â€Å"thank you. † This has been an amazing year !! As we reflect on the 2013-2014 school year, please join me in acknowledging and celebrating the many wonderful learning experiences and educational opportunities that have taken place for our students at school, in numerous classrooms and in very creative and innovative ways. Together we have planned and executed best teaching practices and held students to high standards and expectations. The school’s unique character, excellence in teaching, and the tremendous dedication and talent of all staff members continues to make it a wonderful and special learning environment. It is my deep belief that the hallmark of a great school is to continuously work to improve learning for each and every child. As the leader of the school, I see this is as my most important responsibility and I take it very seriously. Therefore, creating strong and effective teacher teams at each grade level each year is a top priority for me as I work to ensure positive and effective teacher collaboration on behalf of children’s learning. As principal, I am solely responsible for the supervision and evaluation of every staff member at School. In doing this, I visited every classroom several times throughout the year for extended periods of time as well as made numerous informal visits. These observational visits have given me a unique perspective on the teaching life of the school. I have been able to see firsthand how and what kind of learning is taking place in every classroom. In addition, I have also gained knowledge and perspective in working with faculty members both in groups or individually, throughout the year. This year can be summarized in a few words: In the face of significant challenges, we made significant progress. I thank you for your continued commitment and all that you did to deliver on our purpose – to help students and parents seize opportunities at every stage. I wish Mr Shawn and Ms Charo a wonderful future in terms of their careers and personal lives. Please enjoy some well deserved rest with family and friends during this holiday season, and let’s get right back to school on 13th July 2013 at 8. 00 am.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Principle Terrestrial Biomes Annotated Bibliography

Principle Terrestrial Biomes - Annotated Bibliography Example One of the strength of the motivating programs is that its’ automation makes it easier to identify individual merits and reward them accordingly. Compliments and other recognitions should be posted there to motivate them. Communication with employees from wherever they are makes them feel part of the company as they feel more appreciated and derive a sense of belongingness. This should continue being exploited at all times. Some weaknesses have also been noted in the discussion section. One of these entails shortcomings in communication. Employees should be made part of the decision-making team to ensure they feel obligated to work for a hospital. A hospital should also outsource some required services especially in recruitment programs to allow them cope with the challenges fostered by motivation programs. Abstract - The study recognizes that the concept of design has an effect on a patient's healing process. In the study, substantial evidence presents that the design of medi cal institutes influence the health outcomes of patients, as well as recruitment and retention of the hospital staff. In addition, the concept of design also affects the efficiency of how care is being provisioned. In United Kingdom, primary health and social care is being prioritized due to the ageing population of the country. Summary - The purpose of the study is to incorporate an environment that would deliver safety, efficiency and quality that is flexible to changing delivery patterns in the provision of care. ... This article focuses on the temperate grasslands, and examines and populations in them. It looks at a natural experiment occurring in a small region of Germany, where an area of grassland is persistently expanding by removing other obstacles to it such as human habitation. The exact dates that these obstacles were removed is well known, so know exactly how old the grasslands are, which is rare when studying ecological succession. They use this knowledge to examine the different species of ant which colonize the grassland once the grassland begins to grow. It uses simple sampling techniques to examine the populations of a wide variety of different types of ants at different stages of grasslands development, and the techniques used and data collected both seem extremely reliable. The research team found that in younger grasslands, there were a wide variety of different species that changed from individual patch of grassland to individual patch of grassland, because the initial populati ons were mostly dependent on the random chance of an individual or group from that species wandering into the grassland accidentally. They found, however, that as the grasslands matured and when studying older grasslands this initial diversity and wide range of species disappears, to be replaced with a more predictable group of species. This suggests that the initial distribution of species has no impact on the eventual one, and that a number of highly successful species of ants will consistently outperform other species in this kind of grassland. Gewin, Virginia. â€Å"Planting temperate forests won’t temper global warming† Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5.1 (2007): 6. This article details the effects that temperate rainforests might have on global warming. One of the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Principles of Microeconomics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Principles of Microeconomics - Research Paper Example a single buyer in the entire business setting. Entry in such a market is restricted as a result of high cost or due to impediments which may be social, economic or even political. For instance the government can opt to create a monopoly over an industry. On the other side, monopolistic competition is generally a type of imperfect competition in that the competing producers sell products which are totally different from each other as goods but not necessarily perfect substitutes (Kamien 1982). Therefore, in a monopolistically competitive market, different firms can behave as if they are monopolies in the short-run by using market power to generate more profits. Later in the long-run, once other firms enter the same market, the benefits will be shared among them and the overall profit due to differential will considerably decrease with increase in competition. Having understood the basic principles about monopoly and monopolistically market structure, now it is very easy to anally the case in hand. As mentioned in the question, that in the year 2007 potato chip industry was operating as under monopolistically market. ... In most cases, it is argued that a multi-producer monopolist will always charge a lower price as compared tom firms operating separately producing the same complement products (Ralf 2000). As a result of lower pricing, demand will be higher since more customers are encouraged to buy at a lower price. The result is that, in the long run is that there will be a shortage of production because monopolistic generally produces less product than that society efficient level of output. In the long run, the price of commodities will be much higher due to less supply in the market. The strategy here is that, profit made earlier and being part of the surplus, it is transferred from consumers to the producers and this creates a social cost which arises from inefficiency low output that ends up to a dead weight loss. Immediately after transformation into a monopoly market the result would be realized within a short duration. For instance, due to monopoly the prices charged are much higher because there is no close substitute for the product. Those are at a disadvantage are the low income consumers who might be exploited by such a monopoly market where prices are a bit higher (Mckenzie 2008) Thought to producer high prices contribute to increase in the profit made by the firm. These benefits will be transferred to stakeholders whose main objective is after profit maximization. Though that may be the case, but sometime, a firm may not enjoy the domestic monopoly power, rather face an intense competition from other oversee producers. This tends to limit their market power and instead help in keeping prices lower for the consumers. Once manager has received such profits both in the short run and in the long run, they will distribute it